The next installment in the Despicable Me franchise is set to arrive later this year. While no plot has officially been revealed, Despicable Me 4, Illumination’s latest work, is said to follow directly after Despicable Me 3. The movie is directed by Chris Renaud, co-directed by Patrick Delage, and written by The White Lotus screenwriter Mike White.
Fans of the franchise can expect multiple iconic characters to return to the screen, including Gru portrayed by Steve Carell, Lucy Wilde portrayed by Kristen Wiig,
Margo played by Miranda Cosgrove,
Silas Ramsbottom played by Steve Coogan, Agnes played by Nev Scharrel, and Edith played by Dana Gaier, all according to IMDB.
Illumination has continued to rise as one of the most well-known animation companies of the modern age. With the success of the Super Mario Bros. movie and the continuous successes of its other properties like the Despicable Me franchise, it’s more than likely that this upcoming movie will continue to rake in revenue from its worldwide audience.
Despicable Me 4 is set to release in theaters six months from now on July 3, 2024. And since the release date’s announcement back in February 2022, the movie is seemingly on track to meet its deadline, and it’s only a matter of time before an official trailer is released.