Ray Negron's Playball Weekly Blog

Happy Heavenly Birthday Thurman Munson

Today Thurman Munson would be 77 years old. I can’t help but feel sentimental about what could have been.

I’m a big-time believer in God so I fight myself from asking a normal question under the circumstances…. WHY?

Why so young when he had so much to contribute still?

In an earlier story, I said that he would have definitely been the manager of the Yankees once he felt that he lived up to all his responsibilities back home in Canton.

Knowing George Steinbrenner the way I did I know that he definitely would have talked Thurman into managing. The first call that the Boss would have made would have been to Thurman’s wife Diana. The great charmer that the Boss could be naturally he would have had Diana eating out of his hand. He would have done that so that Thurman wouldn’t have any valid excuse to say no.

Thurman would have been a great manager because nobody knew the game the way Thurman did. He had been a sponge during his career and learned the game even more from the greatest manager of his era, Billy Martin. Thurman would have had his fights with the Boss and he would have won most of them because I personally witnessed how Thurman knew how to mentally handle Mr. Steinbrenner. A big reason for that was because Thurman understood how much the Boss loved him. Seeing the two of them together and listening to them talk about the game was a thing of beauty and I thank God every day for the privilege to be able to witness something that I considered so special.

I must add that in my 51 years in baseball I have not seen a player more respected by his peers like Thurman Lee Munson.

If God didn’t need Thurman in Baseball Heaven then today he would’ve been a special advisor to Hal Steinbrenner, Randy Levine, and Brian Cashman. He would have taken Aaron Judge under his wing and without pushing, made him really understand the role of being a captain. Let me add that Judge is really doing a great job. Thurman would really be proud.

I guess like so many others, I just miss him so very much and stay eternally grateful that Diana has so gracefully shared him with us all these years. From day one she has understood how much we all love and will always love that chubby catcher with the number 15 on his back.

To Kelly, Tracy, and Michael I’m sure you know that your dad was truly all that and more.

In my upcoming William O’Connell documentary (Batboy) I get to explain that through your father’s influence, I was definitely able to become a better father than I would ever have been. That was his greatest gift to me. I’m thankful to all the Munsons. The only better gift for me would be if Thurman would sometime soon get into the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

Let me just close by saying that If you believe in Forever Then life is Just a One Night Stand.

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