Horrific Condition Makes Man Uncontrollably have 100 Orgasms A Day

Before you make any jokes or assumptions, know that this is a real problem negatively affecting the life of a fellow human being. Dale Decker, the man in the photo, has been suffering from incontrollable orgasms for over two years now, a condition called Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome. Decker claims he first felt the symptoms when he slipped a disk in his back and was on the way to the hospital when he ejaculated five times during the drive. Being a husband and father of two, it is obvious how this is something that is not only physically draining but humiliating as well. In an interview with Barcroft Media, Decker explains what it’s like to have to deal with his condition. Imagine being on your knees at your father’s funeral beside his casket, saying goodbye to him — and then you have nine orgasms right there. While your whole family is standing behind you.” He went on to say, “It makes you never want to have another orgasm for as long as you live. There’s nothing pleasurable about it because even though it might feel physically good — you’re completely disgusted by what’s going on.” Decker feels trapped by the disease, saying he’s afraid to even leave the house in fear that it will happen while in public or in front of children. “Suicide is always a concern when people suffer from this condition — they feel like they have no other way to escape it,” said Decker. His wife, April Decker, has stood by him since he got the condition and goes on to say how much it has pained him and hopes that with the awareness of this article someone will be able to help.


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