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Photo Credit: Seth Wenig/AP

How Donald Trump receives special treatment in the legal system. (Op-Ed)

Trump has one of the most incredible advantages that no other criminal defendant can lay claim to: he personally appointed some of the key decision-makers in his criminal cases. Three of the nine Supreme Court justices are Trump appointees, and so is the judge presiding over the classified documents case, Aileen Cannon.

Cannon has a complicated pro-Trump history and repeatedly teamed up with Trump to try to block the government from seizing documents kept in Mar-a-Lago. Her colleagues, some of them Trump-appointed, have criticized and scolded her for giving the former president special treatment that no other defendant would ever receive. Her rulings on pre-trial matters have been scarce at best, and she is dragging her feet, yet another advantage Trump benefits from. A trial delay is what Trump wants, and it seems clear that Cannon is content with using her power to give him just that. Some experts believe that if Trump is reelected, he may appoint Cannon to the Supreme Court should an opening be made available. Trump is building a corrupt, unjust legal system that protects him from any repercussions.

However, even cases that don’t include Cannon give Trump a special edge. Despite throwing temper tantrums and engaging in distracting outbursts, Judge Arthur Engoron was tolerant of this behavior. If a typical citizen yelled out in court, they would be harshly reprimanded, if not held in contempt, or completely removed from the courtroom. Yet, Trump can act like a toddler, and no one has the gall to tell him to shut up.

When Trump couldn’t come up with his bond money, the bond was lowered, and he received an extra eleven days to come up with the money.

Even in the hush money trial, Judge Juan Merchan has been far too lenient on his blatant disregard for the gag order. Above the law as always, Trump can break the rules the court orders and get away with it over and over again.

If reelected, who is going to prosecute a current president? Many legal experts believe in presidential immunity, and any case brought forth would be historic, without precedent. The cases will immediately be ceased, and Trump will have the power to do as he pleases without any legal consequences. This is incredibly dangerous, and we cannot have one person bend and break the law to fit their needs.


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