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Jojo Siwa did not invent anything new (Op-Ed)

She’s rebranding herself Miley Cyrus style and rebelling after years of marketing towards children. That’s fine, but nothing she’s done can be categorized as “new”.

Ever since saying goodbye to the bows and hello to a new style, Jojo Siwa has been all over the media. Love or hate her, you can’t deny having heard about her in one way or another.

Called out after saying she wants to “invent” a new music genre called gay pop, Billboard says, Jojo quickly corrected herself. Now, she’s claiming that she knows it exists and wants to make it more known, calling herself the “CEO” or “CMO”.

I don’t know when gay pop became a company and not a music genre, but it either happened without anyone’s knowledge or Jojo’s correcting herself to avoid further criticism.

I’m going to stay safe and go with the second option.

From the moment Karma was first announced, and Jojo’s outfit for the video was leaked, comments were made about how much it resembled the look of the band KISS. While her makeup choice is reminiscent of the famous band, this alone doesn’t warrant the internet starting a scandal. There were, however, other occurrences that caused Internet users to lash out.

Rather, what left a bad taste in people’s mouths was how Jojo referred to “Karma” as “her” new song. While she was the one singing in the video, she did not write the lyrics. Upon Karma’s release, it came out that it was originally written, but ultimately scrapped, for Miley Cyrus in 2011. According to Genius, the writers behind the song are Desmond Child, Tim James & Antonina Armato. Flash forward, Jojo bought the rights to the song. Though this is allowed in the music industry, covers are done all the time, acting as if it’s an original song doesn’t scream ethical.

The situation Jojo is in, just like the one Miley Cyrus was in, is complicated. She wants to break free of the childish, girly-girl people know her as and enter a more mature career. While only natural for any child star, the way she is doing it and the backlash she’s facing isn’t going to make it easy. 


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