Michael S. Regan to be named head of EPA

Major news outlets are reporting that Michael S. Regan, former air quality specialist for the EPA and current secretary of North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality, will be heading the EPA.

The New York Times has reported that three people who work with the Biden transition team have confirmed the news of Regan’s impending nomination. This comes as a bit of a shock to those on the inside, as up until a few days ago, the frontrunner for the spot was thought to be Mary D. Nichols, air regulator for California. It’s believed that her name was dropped from the short list because of the backlash that she, and the Biden team, faced from some liberal groups, who argued that she hasn’t done enough to combat environmental racism. Some groups have also expressed concern that Biden’s cabinet picks are not diverse enough, which Regan’s nomination would also help.

Those who have worked with Regan in the past report that he boosts morale and emphasizes science in the Environmental Quality Department. In North Carolina, Regan has been a key part of the governor’s plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Biden has similarly made promises to Americans that the country will net zero emissions by that same year.

Regan was the air quality regulator for the E.P.A. under both the Clinton and Bush administrations. He also worked for a non-profit advocacy group called the Environmental Defense Fund, where he eventually became the Associate Vice President for Clean Energy and the Southeast Regional Director before being selected by Gov. Pat McCroy to lead North Carolina’s environmental agency.

This position will be extremely important in the race against climate change. The Times reports, “If the Senate remains under Republican control and resistant to passing climate legislation, it will fall largely to the E.P.A. to enact regulations that can curb planet-warming pollution from power plants, automobiles and oil and gas sites.” The position has a long history of being filled with people who worked in similar state agencies, and supporters of Regan are calling this “an obvious parallel” to what he’s doing currently in his state.

This potential nomination reflects the broader themes in Biden’s cabinet: diversity and putting facts first. While the previous EPA director was a staunch supporter of Trump’s environmental protection rollbacks, this EPA director would be a part of Biden’s plan to rejoin and recommit to environmental efforts. Regan would become the first black man to run the agency, and sources on Biden’s team say that he will be addressing environmental racism, an aspect of this issue that has largely gone undiscussed. 


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