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Music can be a source of comfort (Op-Ed)

There is a language that may bring people together, heal broken hearts, and provide comfort in times of sorrow, even if our world is often full of confusion and unpredictability. Music is this language, this symphony of perfect harmony.

With its power to stir up strong emotions and hit close to home, music is always at our side as we go through life. Without peer, it can elevate our deepest, saddest times to a symphony of optimism and strength.

To its essence, music is not only an aural composition; rather, it is a representation of the human condition, including our happiness, sadness, success, and failure. One is not an observer but an actor in a communal symphony of feelings when one listens to an intense hymn or a moving song.

As an example, consider Taylor Swift’s enchanting songs. Swift bares everything in her songs, expressing the depths of human emotion with direct honesty; her music is comforting because of it. Songs by Swift touch people across the globe, whether they are feeling the pain of loss or the joy of a new romance, and they remind us that we are never alone.

Even more so, music has a way of making you feel understood and validated. Listening to an artist like Mitski reveal their innermost thoughts and feelings via their music brings comfort in knowing that we are not alone in facing our challenges, anxieties, and aspirations. Knowing that our stories are interwoven into the fabric of human history allows us to feel a sense of belonging and community via this common resonance.

Why, however, is music able to alleviate so much pain and suffering? Simply said, music has the power to move us on a spiritual level and evoke feelings we can’t put into words. No matter the genre, music can inspire, elevate, and heal, whether it’s a classical piece or a rock song.

Music also facilitates the process of discovering oneself and expressing oneself. As a kind of active treatment, listening to music serves as a pastime for many. In the end, it’s a means of overcoming inner turmoil, resolving complicated emotions, and attaining inner peace. When you let yourself be vulnerable to the music, it becomes a reliable confidante, a supportive friend who listens without passing judgment and provides solace when you’re worried.

Music is more than it seems; it is a source of strength and comfort in a dangerous and unpredictable world. Music can uplift our emotions, calm our minds, and bring us comfort by highlighting the strength and grace of the human spirit. To that end, the next time you’re feeling down, put on some tunes and allow the soothing melodies envelop you like a comforting hug. After all, no matter how long the night seems, the sun will rise, and the music will continue to play.


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