This occurred within the last few hours. The Guardian Angels have had to lockdown Penn Station. There are no police. Anarchy prevails. At the top of the escalators at 32nd and 7th Ave. 8 big guys , fresh outta of Rikers, are starting fights and shaking people down. 4 transgendered prostitutes, fresh outta Rikers, are doing tricks for a dollar in the men’s room. The illegals who were not here last week have arrived. They don’t have the money for their weekly rent for a room, and without work, they are out in the streets. They are from Peru, Ecuador and Mexico. They are armed with knives to protect themselves from the others. Then there are the EDP’s, the drug addicts and alcoholics. Finally the elderly. Women and Men in their late 70’s. It reminds me of what’s it’s like in Jail. And I know because I’ve been locked up. It’s Bad and it’s getting worse. There are no homeless outreach workers from the city. And there are no THRIVE men or women doing interventions for the mentally ill. It is ANARCHY.
The woman in the wheelchair, without a portion of her leg, has lived in Penn Station for 6 years. The African American Woman behind her is 76. Neither of these women can continue to survive in this “DARWINIAN” Dante’s Inferno.