Keeping up with the Guardian Angels

The E Train – The Moving Homeless Hotel

MTA Chairman Pat Foye proved that he doesn’t ride the subways by saying that low ridership makes the homeless situation look bigger. Either that or in his quarantine he must be in a drug induced psychosis..The homeless and the EDP’s use the E train in normal times as a Moving Homeless Hotel. Now they are flocking to the E TRAIN and it’s subway stations in record numbers. They use the E Train because it runs underground the entire way from the WTC to the Jamaica Ctr. It has the best bathrooms that are not only open but functional. The SACTUARY STATION station is 71st Continental/ Forest Hills. It is the Safest, Warmest , best location for begging and has the best bathrooms. Many of the homeless hole up in Sutphin Blvd/ JFK Airport Station, Queens Plaza, 42nd and 34th street. Each day we send an AM and PM Guardian Angel Patrol on the E train. They clean the hands of the homeless, then give them food, conduct a wellness check and clean down the seats and poles in the cars. The MTA maintenance workers are less and less. The BRC which got millions of dollars to do homeless intervention in the subways has been completely MIA. Every day and in every way the GA have filled the void. Pat Foye is so detached and delusional. Bring back Andy Byford.


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