Pro-Trump Rallies Have Turned Violent

Today is a day that will forever go down in history. In the past, the confirmation of a new President has not turned this violent and received such backlash. Instead, the city is filled with hundreds of Trump’s supports with many displays, flags, shouting and violence. Many protestors are making statements such as, “Stop the Steal” and have confederate flags. Washington D.C. and its Capitol is currently being heavily guarded and monitored during this time. This includes the deployment of the city police, national guard, the enforcement of a curfew for citizens, and street closures. 

 While electoral college votes were counted to confirm Joe Biden’s win as 46th President of the United States, Trump supports broke past security and have entered the U.S. Capitol. One protestor has already been shot inside the building and much more violence is going down in Washington D.C. Also, inside the beloved Capitol, there was a physical fight that occurred on the east side of the building. Many large political figures, such as Joe Biden, are urging President Trump to demand that all protestors stand down and stop the violence. Additionally, Washington D.C. is not the only city that is currently experiencing pro-Trump rallies during this time.  

Along with this chaos, the Senate and Vice President Mike Pence has been evacuated to a secure location, which resulted in a pause in the counting of electoral college votes. Not only were the protestors also found trying to destroy the Capitol building and enter the House of Representatives, but there were several make-shift explosives found. 

Throughout the course of this historical election, Trump has refused to give up the win to Joe Biden and has stated that the election results are fraudulent. While he did tweet: “Please support our Capitol Police and Law enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay Peaceful”, Trump is known for encouraging this large of a protest in the past. 


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