Robert Downey Jr. (RDJ) served as the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Iron Man from 2008 to 2019. This eleven-year role ended when the hero sacrificed himself to save the universe, resulting in a heartbreaking death. Just five years later, with things at Marvel seeming to have fallen off, the MCU will bring back their golden boy, but this time not as a hero.
At this weekend’s San Diego Comic-Con, RDJ, surprised fans by announcing his return to the MCU in dramatic fashion. He walked on stage as Dr. Doom, a famous Marvel villain who dawns a metal mask and green suit, and removed the mask: revealing that he would be the villain for the Avenger’s next film ‘Doomsday’.
The crowd erupted in cheers, many in attendance excited to see that he was returning to the MCU. After the original excitement died down, there was plenty of debate between fans on whether or not this return could add to the overall story of the MCU.
Some feel Iron Man’s death was so perfectly done that any other additions could ruin the perfect ending to his story and taint his legacy. On the other hand, Marvel’s use of the Multiverse and different variants of certain characters could be an interesting way to bring RDJ back and not affect what he has already done by allowing him to play an evil version of himself.
Marvel has been declining since “Avengers: Endgame”, which just so happens to be the film in which Iron Man dies. Does it feel like this could be a cash grab? Yes. Could it make for some awesome interactions between Doom and the other Avengers? Also, yes.
Whatever Marvel chooses to do, we will all be watching when “Avengers: Doomsday” premieres on May 1, 2026.