Spotify vs. Apple Music

Culturally, we have shifted away from the era of records, CDs, or even buying and downloading music to our phones, tablets, and other electronic devices.  As a result, two major music streaming platforms have emerged, each carrying their own reputation and causing intense debate between users.

It seems that the biggest difference between Spotify and Apple Music is the stigma that surrounds an Apple Music subscription.  Younger generations feel a sense of judgement towards those that opt to use Apple’s platform over Spotify. 

When looking into this debate, I personally noticed that I held the idea that Spotify was superior to Apple Music, but I quickly realized that there was no evidence to back my claim.

Both platforms have very competitive pricing, each with a $9.99 per month subscription.  Meanwhile, they both also have a student discount of $4.99 per month for four years.  Apple Music does allow a three-month free trial compared to Spotify’s one-month free trial period.  The main other differences, in addition to the free trial periods, are the possible add-ons.  While Apple Music comes with Apple TV+, Spotify can come with Hulu and SHOWTIME.  

Yet I still believe that Spotify is superior to Apple Music.  It might possibly be the generational stigma surrounding the platform, or maybe it is my comfort with the software that I have been using for years now; however, I do believe that Spotify has a more user-friendly interface.  The display is cleaner than Apple Music’s, and while Apple Music does have its perks and advantages, I will always opt for a platform that allows me a better user-experience.


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