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There’s a happy medium between comfort and style: so why is it so hard to find? (Op-Ed)

Most of the time, I feel there are only two mindsets when getting ready for the day: “Dress to impress” and “screw it, where are my comfy clothes?”

I’ve never been a trend follower, or setter, so I can’t relate to that idea of “following whatever is in fashion”. But I do understand it: trends are the things that are considered “in”, and people want to be a part of the “in” crowd. It doesn’t matter if the clothes or shoes are uncomfortable, the price doesn’t matter. The idea of being an outcast was on the brain, and nobody wanted that.

Meanwhile, social media tells us how to dress, promotes different clothing lines, and has hundreds of “Get Ready with Me” videos showing off amazing outfits and makeup tutorials. As is human nature, we compare ourselves to what, or who, we see on social media and wish we could do the same.

For me, “style” is defined differently from person to person. It’s dependent on what a person likes, the fabrics that don’t bother them, and how they choose to add to their outfits. For some people, that means floral print, others prefer more alternative clothing. What society, and the people in it, have to understand is that these differences are completely natural.

Additionally, we don’t have to dress the same way every day. Of course, we want to look presentable, but the most stylish thing in the closet won’t always be what we feel like wearing. Personal comfort, just like personal style varies from person to person, varies from day to day. What’s important is that people listen to themselves when getting ready, and find the right combination between what would be acceptable in society and what is comfortable for them. If the sweater feels better, wear it. If it’s the business suit, it’s the business suit.

Style and comfort are not separate entities. Rather, they work together to create outfits we want to wear. Like anything else, they vary from person to person and shouldn’t be treated like something society can control. That adds extra pressure and, honestly, no one needs that.  


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