Ray Negron's Playball Weekly Blog

To Palminteri, Gooden, and De Niro… Harlan is more than just Media

Harlan Friedman is one of New York entertainment’s leading idol makers. He helps young inspiring artists try to find their dreams through his connections with the entertainment industry. When it comes to film production and premiers around the country he is usually the first one there to report the event.

I have been a friend of Chazz Palminteri for several decades and have noticed the respect that Chazz always gives Harlan. Chazz doesn’t rush through the red carpet when Harlan extends the microphone like many major stars do.

Robert De Niro can definitely be a very difficult interview however look at the picture that I have posted of De Niro and Harlan then tell me that you can’t see true respect on the face of one of the world’s all-time great actors.

Harlan is an artist at his craft. He has great passion for what he does and great respect for the people in the sports and entertainment industry. Chazz told me that Harlan makes it a pleasure to talk to him. Most of the big actors that I interviewed including De Niro say that he has their respect because his passion and love for what they do is sincere.

Baseball immortal Doc Gooden who recently had his number retired at Citi Field says that Harlan doesn’t take any cheap shots like some media reporters do. He always dots the i,s.

Through time he has become one of my best friends Doc said. Gooden also said that he considers Harlan’s family. He has taken the time to understand my ups and downs. He has never betrayed me when I have had some tough moments. He has never judged me.

Today I write this story to be able to show a very different and sometimes difficult industry and show that you can do your job and still be a good person.

Harlan Friedman is the Creator and host of the show, Sole Free… @theofficialharlan Sole Free airs locally and Nationally as a segment of the Donna Drake Show which you can see weekly on CBS and also on many syndicated networks including Apple TV, Roku, and YouTube, etc. Some of the sports and entertainments biggest stars can be seen talking about their next big project.

Harlan and his show are a treat to watch… don’t take my word, just ask Gooden, Strawberry, or Chazz.

Either way, it’s just another Bronx Tale!

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