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Photo Credits: Teo Do Rio, Unsplash

White Castle lowering the price of their burgers

With the cost of living being what it is today, many fast-food chains have decided to discount their prices and create value meals to make things more affordable for their customers. White Castle has now begun to follow suit.

The franchise recently announced they would be charging $7.99 for a sack of 10 of their infamous cheeseburger slides. That is less than 80 cents a pop, the lowest price of a White Castle burger since 2011.

White Castle Vice President Jamie Richardson made it clear that cutting prices is very important to him. In a recent statement, he said, “Families everywhere are tired of almost needing a small loan when they go out for fast food, and we know these days our customers want to make every penny count.”

He also spoke to FOX Business recently, where he hammered home his point. “As consumers everywhere are pinching pennies and making leftovers last longer, White Castle knows we need to give them what they crave, great food at a great price.”

Restaurants like Taco Bell, McDonalds, and Burger King started this wave of discounts and I only expect more and more fast-food joints to return to the days of combo meals and dollar menus.


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