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Why the ‘Sephora kid’ Trend is Dangerous (Op-Ed)

Recently, on social media, there has been an influx of young children going crazy over skincare products. This craze has been focused on the store Sephora, where tweens and even children are shopping for and then using skincare products that are not meant for their age. 

Self-care routines, especially skincare routines, are crucial to taking care of yourself. Starting these routines young can make them stick longer and be less of a hassle to start once you get older. When it comes to starting these routines, though, there are different products and routines that each age should have but also avoid. 

A big focus in the skincare world is youthful-looking skin. There are infinite aging products and ingredients that target skin to help keep it young and wrinkle-free. These products, though, are not for children, as they already have this youthful skin. 

Children’s skin is much more elastic and hydrated than that of adults. It can also be much more sensitive. Children’s skin hasn’t been through the same duration as an adult because it doesn’t have age to it. 

When it comes to putting products on skin, there are certain ingredients that children should absolutely avoid. Some of these products include retinal, peptides, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. These ingredients are incredibly damaging when used wrong or on a skin type that doesn’t need them, such as children. 

On social media, showing different routines has always been a popular trend. That includes skincare routines. A lot of influencers, who are in their later teens, twenties or even thirties show these videos of their attractive lifestyle and routines. Whether these routines are fabricated or not, they draw in a lot of people, especially a young audience who looks up to them. This in turn makes these children want to copy what the influencer does.

This ‘Sephora kid’ trend has caused these young kids to start using anti-aging products that are damaging their youthful skin to be like these influencers. It is not the responsibility of the influencer to put a disclaimer out that children shouldn’t follow their routines, but there should be some warnings. Potentially saying their age, or that this is best for a certain age range. 

Children aspire to be like adults when they are young, just as a lot of adults aspire to be a kid again. The ‘Sephora kid’ trend is just that. Kids want to be adult like, and do the things they see their idols do, which includes skincare. They want the same products and brands that they see being used. 

Skin is very sensitive, and it can easily be damaged. In order to protect your skin, you must safely use the right products. Children must be advised on what is safe, and prevented from using these products that are for a more mature audience.


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