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Photo Credit: Charlie Brewer

Movie Makeup artists deserve more recognition (Op-Ed)

Outstanding makeup effects are an integral part of many Hollywood productions, elevating them to a whole new level of excellence. The use of makeup in film goes beyond only improving actors’ appearance; it also allows them to completely modify their characters. In the latter case, performers need to apply character makeup to accurately depict their characters. This is especially true for genres such as science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

A wide variety of cosmetic procedures are needed to accomplish a full metamorphosis. To achieve realism, professional makeup artists that specialize in character design for movies use a wide variety of aesthetic techniques, including prosthetics. The consistent growth of the film business cannot be sustained without movie makeup. The fact that many fictional depictions look nothing like the actual thing is a testament to the importance of talented makeup artists in the production of fictional characters.

There are two types of professional makeup used in the film industry: neutral makeup and character makeup. For movies to go on smoothly, both are necessary.

The goal of applying neutral makeup is to help actors seem more like the characters they’re portraying. It calls for complex methods that take the scene’s lighting, angles, and other elements into account. As a result, learning the ins and outs of professional makeup for film requires extensive training.

Even though it’s a significant art form, movie makeup isn’t always appreciated. Yet, for its part in making movies’ most memorable sequences and moments, it deserves respect. It is important to confront the problem of movie makeup’s lack of awareness. It’s about time we recognized it for what it is: an art form. After all, film wouldn’t exist without these experts.

Acknowledgment of those who apply cosmetics for movies is far overdue. Thanks to their expertise, actors are able to fully immerse themselves in their roles, captivating audiences throughout the globe. It’s about time we gave these gifted people the credit they deserve for the often-overlooked brilliance of film makeup.


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