Day: May 3, 2024

Celebrities need to take the Met Gala seriously and follow the theme (Op-Ed)

Celebrities need to take the Met Gala seriously and follow the theme (Op-Ed)

As the most prestigious fashion event of the year, the Met Gala goes above and beyond in its celebration of style. Art, narrative, and creativity all find a home on this platform. Celebrities and fashion designers alike become more and more excited every year to walk the legendary red carpet, and the atmosphere is electric […]

Movie Makeup artists deserve more recognition (Op-Ed)

Movie Makeup artists deserve more recognition (Op-Ed)

Outstanding makeup effects are an integral part of many Hollywood productions, elevating them to a whole new level of excellence. The use of makeup in film goes beyond only improving actors’ appearance; it also allows them to completely modify their characters. In the latter case, performers need to apply character makeup to accurately depict their […]

Nurse receives life sentence for deliberately harming patients with insulin overdoses

Nurse receives life sentence for deliberately harming patients with insulin overdoses

Heather Pressdee, a former nurse, admitted to deliberately administering fatal amounts of insulin to her patients and was sentenced to life in prison, a case that shocked the healthcare world. The deaths of loved ones and subsequent doubts about healthcare facility safety measures have brought this horrific odyssey to a close with the announcement of […]

Overwatch 2 is not worth playing anymore. (Op-Ed)

Overwatch 2 is not worth playing anymore. (Op-Ed)

I have been playing Overwatch since its initial release in 2016 and I reckon it’s high time that I retire this once-beloved first-person shooter (FPS). After over 1,000 hours, I’m done. I have had a complicated relationship with Overwatch 2 for the past year and a half; I enjoy the constant updates and new heroes, […]

Restaurant showing only women’s sports paves the way for diversity in sports bars. (Op-Ed)

Restaurant showing only women’s sports paves the way for diversity in sports bars. (Op-Ed)

The Sports Bra in Portland, Oregon is more than just your average sports bar, it’s a place where fans of all genders and sexualities are welcome to grab a beer and watch women’s sports. This sports bar is an inclusive space that only plays women’s sports on their televisions, encouraging the advancement of all female […]

“I simply close my beautiful blue eyes:” Trump denying falling asleep during his own criminal trial is unacceptable. (Op-Ed)

“I simply close my beautiful blue eyes:” Trump denying falling asleep during his own criminal trial is unacceptable. (Op-Ed)

Many journalists have reported that Donald Trump is falling asleep during his criminal hush money trial in Manhattan, but the former president vehemently denies those claims. Trump, a known liar, is far less reputable than the well-known news outlets covering the case. It is incredibly disrespectful to the judge, attorneys on both sides, the jurors, […]

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