Skin Care

Your skin has full exposure to UV rays, pollution, blue light from mobile devices, and harsh ingredients in products. Beauty brands are working to design products that will nourish and support the important ecosystem of the skin. Instead of harming the skin, brands are researching ways in which to build up the defense of the skin. Ingredients such as lipids, ceramides, adaptogens, and even live bacteria are used for the skin’s functionality.
In addition, there are numerous natural oils that are suggested to sustain smooth and radiant skin. For centuries: coconut, shea butter, and olive oil have been used for skin and hair care. When questioned how much of the oils to use, it is surely determined by trial and error. Your skin knows when enough is enough.
In reference, coconut oil has been proven to work for a wide spectrum of people. Nevertheless, if you have oily skin and acne prone the use of coconut oil may not be the resort. Olive oil does not typically trigger allergic reactions; it contains vitamins A, D, E, and K. Lastly, shea butter is commonly found in solid form and melts at body temperature. Organic shea butter can be combined with olive oil or coconut oil to create a smoother texture for application. Rajani Katta, a dermatologist at Baylor College of Medicine, believes that one of the reasons that natural oils have come back into prominence is because there has been a search in moisturizers that do not cause allergic reactions, do not have as many chemicals, and are cost effective.


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