Talent Goes Virtual

In mid-March, as a result of the worldwide pandemic, large events such as concerts, shows, or parties were deemed unsafe and unfortunately canceled. Thus, putting a halt to all Broadway shows especially because of its location in New York City, the epicenter of the virus in the US. As weeks become months until the city will be able to open and function semi normally, viewers are discouraged with the lack of entertainment but those who look to Broadway for work, are the most out of luck. As unemployment reaches an all-time high, the men and women who star on Broadway or even were preparing to audition, are some of the many who not only lost their jobs but cannot work remotely. To be proactive, companies such as Disney on Broadway, have shifted their audition capabilities to videos sent in through their website. Although it is not comparable to seeing a potential candidate in person, auditionees are asked to submit a resume, a video, and headshots. This way, Disney on Broadway can still seek the best talents for their shows while simultaneously keeping everyone safe. 

Similarly, NBC’s hit show, The Voice, is taking similar steps in order to create their next season in a Virtual Open Call. Artists are asked to have a verse and chorus of a song prepared and perform it at an assigned time to be submitted for review. The process is easy to sign up for and even can help those who get nervous at auditions to do in the comfort of their own homes. Overall, just because you may have to stay inside doesn’t mean your talent should too. If you visit either of their websites you can follow the guidelines to get your name out there, while also being safe.


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