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Photo Credit: fhmindia

The loss of natural beauty: why models are all looking the same (Op-Ed)

The beauty and fashion industries once celebrated uniqueness and inherent attractiveness, valuing the individuality models brought to the runway and publications. However, over the past decade, a concerning trend has emerged where models increasingly look alike, losing the distinct features that once set them apart. This shift is driven by societal pressures, the rise of social media, and the widespread use of photo-editing tools.

Historically, social norms and the fashion industry have significantly influenced beauty standards, prioritizing high cheekbones, full lips, big eyes, and flawless skin. Many models now undergo plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures to conform to these ideals. The quest for perfection leads to a homogenized appearance, erasing unique attributes.

The prevalence of photo-sharing apps like Snapchat and Instagram has exacerbated this trend. Snapchat’s filters, which alter facial features to fit conventional beauty standards, have become immensely popular. Instagram followed suit, introducing similar filters in its Stories feature, making it easy for users to modify their looks with a few taps. Additionally, apps like FaceTune, launched in 2013, allow users to make precise adjustments to their selfies, promoting an obsession with flawless images. Instagram accounts like Celeb Face highlight the extent of photo editing among celebrities, normalizing this pursuit of perfection to an almost pathological degree.

This unhealthy obsession impacts both society and models. Popular cosmetic procedures, such as cheek reduction, often result in a loss of natural expression and uniqueness. As beauty standards become standardized, models start to look increasingly similar, diminishing their individuality.

Young, impressionable demographics are particularly vulnerable to these negative effects. Young women and girls, who often idolize models, may seek cosmetic surgery at a young age or use photo-editing tools to alter their appearance. This can lead to low self-esteem and body dysmorphic disorder as they constantly compare themselves to unrealistic beauty standards.

In response to this trend, it is crucial to remember that genuine beauty comes from within. The most captivating models are those who exude confidence and joy, embracing their individuality rather than conforming to a predetermined mold. Celebrating diversity and natural beauty helps establish healthier and more realistic standards for future generations.

As we navigate the digital age, it is essential to challenge the pervasive influence of altered and filtered images. By promoting self-acceptance and valuing inherent beauty, we can foster a more inclusive and supportive community where individuals feel empowered to be their authentic selves. This appreciation for unique qualities is key to recognizing and cherishing the distinct beauty each person possesses. 


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