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Photo Credits: : Ricky Johnson/Facebook

Three men have been found dead in friend’s backyard – early reports state no foul play was involved

Kansas City police found three men deceased outside of a friend’s home on Jan. 9, after being reported missing just one day prior. Four friends, Alex Weamer-Lee, Clayton McGeeney, Ricky Johnson, and David Harrington had gathered at the rental home of Jordan Willis for a Chiefs game on Jan. 7. Weamer-Lee claims to have left the party at approximately midnight, where he says the four individuals were watching Jeopardy.

When the three men did not go home that night, their families began to worry.

McGeeney, 36; Johnson, 38; and Harrington, 37 were found frozen outside of Willis’ backyard after one of the victims fiances’ broke into the home when Willis was unresponsive regarding the whereabouts of the men. Upon entering the home, she discovered one of the bodies outside. 

“When there was no answer at the door, she broke into the basement of the residence and located an unknown dead body on the back porch. Officers responded to the back porch and confirmed there was a dead body. Upon further investigation, officers located two other dead bodies in the backyard,” initial police reports stated. “There were no obvious signs of foul play observed at or near the crime scene.”

After weeks of an investigation, police still cannot explain the events of that night or what caused the three men to turn up dead.

“This still remains a death investigation and nothing more,” Kansas City Police Officer Alayna Gonzalez writes in an email. “We still have no evidence or indication of foul play, no one is in police custody.”

Jordan Willis’ attorney John Picerno claims his client had “absolutely nothing to do with the deaths of his three friends” and he is grieving their deaths, as the men have been friends since high school.  

An autopsy for the victims has not yet been released.


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