Tom Brady Suffers Worst Loss of His Career

Tom Brady has been the most dominant quarterback in the NFL for the majority of his illustrious career. Throughout this career, he has never experienced a five-touchdown defeat—until the Buccaneers’ primetime loss to the Saints on Sunday. The Saints dominated and won the game by a score of 38-3.

Brady, who just recently won NFL Offensive Player of the Month in October, did not look like his October self. He completed 22 passes on 38 attempts, racking up 209 yards with no touchdowns and three interceptions. His passer rating was a 40.3. Brady flat out stunk. Brady hasn’t thrown three interceptions in a game since 2011 in week three against the Bills.

“I certainly have to play a lot better,” Brady said, regarding his performance. “Turning the ball over against good teams never helps. We just didn’t play the way we were capable of playing. Everyone’s got to do a lot better, and it starts with me. Get back to work tomorrow morning and try to make it a better week.”

Brady has never been swept by a divisional opponent in his entire career until Sunday. The Bucs suffered a 24-23 loss in week one against the Saints, and this time they got blown out of the water. It seems like the Saints might be the Buccaneers’ kryptonite.

Head coach Bruce Arians spoke to the press after the game:

“It was shocking,” said Arians on Brady’s performance. “To watch us practice the way we practiced all week and the confidence we had coming in; we have to go back and look in the mirror as coaches, players, everybody, from yesterday to today. Another [game] where we go three-and-out and give up a touchdown [to begin the game]. Second half, I thought we got the turnover and we don’t score a touchdown. I thought that kind of was the end of it right then and there. Give New Orleans credit, they kicked our butts in every phase.”

The Buccaneers look to bounce back next week against a strong Carolina Panthers team.


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