At-Home Gym No More

Are you tired of your makeshift gym? How about struggling to stay motivated while working out at your house? Well here’s the good news, gyms across the country are beginning to reopen. This of course doesn’t mean you can go back to your normal routine, unfortunately, but by following strict CDC guidelines, more and more people can get a good sweat and also stay virus-free. Let’s take a look at some of the states that are allowing gyms to reopen and the rules they have in place to protect employees and the gym-goers.


California is following basic guidelines much like other states such as strongly recommending face masks, disinfecting weights, and machines after use and monitoring patrons to make sure they stay 6 feet apart. One gym owner in California went the extra mile by installing plastic workout pods. He requires customers to use hand sanitizer and get their temperature checked before they enter the gym but then are free to use the pods.

South Carolina:

Soon to be entering phase 3 of reopening, South Carolina gyms have been open for about a month now, much farther ahead than some states who haven’t opened gyms at all yet. Employees are required to wear masks whereas gym goers are not required to. Gym equipment is spaced out and clients are asked to keep their workouts to about an hour to make limiting capacity easier.

Although many states have eased restrictions and allowed citizens to reenter facilities like recreation centers and gyms, other states were hesitant to. As case numbers plummet, governors are still afraid of the 2nd wave of coronavirus in the fall. It is hard to tell what will be the new normal when it comes to public places like gyms, hair salons, or amusement parks. Limiting capacity or investing money in cleaning products might harm these businesses’ profit.

For those workout junkies who are still nervous to go to public gyms, here are some at-home workout instructors that you can follow to stay fit but still feel safe.

If you are the type of person who would rather stay home than risk anything by going to the gym I have a worthwhile recommendation! Chloe Ting is a workout fanatic that organizes workout plans for durations of days or weeks targeting all different parts of the body. Not only is it free but she also offers suggestions for workout modifications during her videos for it to be more doable and achievable.

No matter where you may be burning calories to achieve that summer body goal, just know that there are endless possibilities and resources available at your disposal. But also keep in mind that gaining a few lbs during quarantine is normal and shouldn’t be something to get you down.


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