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Daren Criss, Former Glee Star, Mourns the Life of His Brother Charles with a Touching Tribute

Daren Criss, former Glee star, shares on Wednesday a touching tribute of his brother Charles. In this announcement of Charles’ death, Daren remembers his “hilarious, insightful, gifted, intelligent” older brother.

Daren wrote a beautiful three-paged tribute where he opens saying, “It breaks my heart beyond measure to say that my beloved brother Charles has left us. His loss leaves behind a debilitating fracture in the lives of his mother, brother, his three small children, and their respective mothers. I have spent what already feels like a small eternity trying to wrap my head around it, something I suspect I’ll be attempting to do for the rest of my life.”

He continues in memory, “Let me start by saying it was very hard not to be fond of Chuck Criss.” He commends his mild manner, lovable personality and goofball tendencies. He recalls how much his brother meant to him.

“I loved my brother so much. And I know he loved me. Right out of the womb, he was my instant, ready-made best friend. ‘Charles & Daren’ were an inseparable, dynamic duo… We were each other’s culture & comedy brokers. Nostalgia & adolescence witnesses. Video game & basketball buddies. Unwaveringly supportive audience members. He was my favorite playmate, schoolmate, bandmate—and I am so eternally grateful that I got to share the adventure of growing up with an older brother like that. My life is better for it.” Daren also shares how much Chuck loved his children. 

He continues, “I’ve had to meditate over how much information I was willing to disclose, as this is an extraordinarily sensitive and private matter. But I’ve learned by now that vagueness can lead to confusion and provoke ideas far worse than the truth. And since my brother and I somehow managed to fall into a bit of public life somewhere along the way, I’ve come to acknowledge our current age’s healthy pension for public transparency…”

“The last several years were increasingly difficult for Chuck as he struggles to find stability during an unfortunate rough patch in his life. Despite our very vocal concerns about his well-being, and his protestations that everything was fine, it’s crushing to say now that Chuck clearly had had a severe depression welling up in him for some time… We will never know just how long he was fighting this was within himself, but last week, it consumed him fully, and he succumbed by taking his own life.”

Daren calls anyone struggling with depression to seek help. He compassionately says, “If you or someone you know is feeling lost or hopeless, seeking professional counseling and support is a wonderful way to help you see just how abundantly love is available to you. It is an infinite resource. One you deserve not only to receive from others, but to receive from yourself as well. There is simply too much love readily available in this world to lose sight of that.”

Daren Criss ends this tribute on a heartfelt note: “Chuck Criss was vibrant, special, worldly, hilarious, insightful, gifted, intelligent, celebrated and adored. He was a good man with a good heart who contributed enormous amounts of laughter, music, and joy to the world. And for the ones who were lucky enough to take part in those wonderful moments, it’s marvelous to know that those memories are plentiful, everlasting, and can never be taken away.”

This tribute stands alongside childhood and recent pictures of Chuck, honoring his life.

If you or a loved one is struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, do seek help with the 

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255.


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