Why I No Longer Shop at SHEIN

SHEIN is an online, fast-fashion retailer that has taken the internet by storm over the past year. They sell cute, trendy clothes for very cheap prices (expect to pay no more than five to ten dollars per item). Normally, I try my best to shop at environmentally friendly clothing stores, but these low prices seemed too good to pass up. So, a few months ago, I placed an order on SHEIN’s website for the first time. 

I spent about $100 on six shirts, two skirts, a sweater, and a pajama set. My expectations for the order were somewhat high, because I was careful to order very basic styles I knew would fit well. However, when my order arrived, I was extremely disappointed. The clothing was not at all similar to how it had been depicted online — the fabric was flimsy, synthetic-feeling, and many of the seams were not aligned. I was unable to fit into either of the skirts, which appeared to be child sized. The only item from the order that I kept was a bandeau top that shrunk in the wash after one wear. 

My advice: save your time and your money, and shop somewhere other than SHEIN. While their items are temptingly cheap, thrift stores are a much more sustainable option. Additionally, I know from experience that even items that fit well will not last very long. I believe it is much better to buy quality items on consignment than to purchase something that will ultimately be thrown away. 


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