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  • Adam Sandler Is A Fashion Icon-It’s Time We Accept It

Adam Sandler Is A Fashion Icon-It’s Time We Accept It

            According to Google’s Year In Review, Adam Sandler was the internet’s most searched person in “celebrity outfits.” Sandler beat out Harry Styles, Rihanna, Zendaya, and Lizzo, who are some of the world’s most fashionable people out there. The movie star is known for wearing basketball shorts, oversized polo shirts, Ugg boots, and shades only your dad would wear. Although Gen Z may credit stars like Billie Eilish for this fashion revolution, Sandler has been rocking this look since the early 2000s, and it’s high-time we as a society give the man some credit.

            During the pandemic, wearing glamorous dresses and tight-knit clothing was a thing of the past. Loungewear and sweatpants became all the rage because no one was leaving their homes. Who did you need to look good for? Who were you dressing for other than yourself? This led to many adopting the Sandler look with baggy T-shirts and boxy footwear. Comfort became the necessity, not the latest trends.

            In a turn of events, “sandlercore” has become one of the hottest trends on TikTok. People will create videos of replicating Sandler’s oversized look. Other celebrities have even joined the charge (like Jonah Hill and Larry David) in wearing whatever they want instead of trying to break the internet with the best designers.

            Adam Sandler has reached a level of fame where he can do whatever he wants while wearing whatever he wants. He’s an inspiration to those who don’t care about fashion, but still want to be comfortable in what they wear. Noah Rinsky, the creator of clothing brand Old Jewish Men, even created a line of basketball shorts inspired by Sandler’s now-iconic blue and white shorts. With a net worth of $420 million and a four-movie deal worth $250 million with Netflix, Sandler is still able to captivate and relate to audiences through his clothing, even though it may not be the most conventional of choices in the fashion world.


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