Day: February 27, 2024

Theater productions deserve our attention amid short-form content (Op-Ed)

Theater productions deserve our attention amid short-form content (Op-Ed)

Although far from rare, it is less common for some individuals to participate in theater culture, whether that be from a lack of interest or access to these productions, or the fact that other in-person activities such as attending movie theaters, keynote addresses, or concerts are more popular.  As well, short-form content consumed through digital […]

Wendy’s Announces Dynamic Surge Pricing for Stores

Wendy’s Announces Dynamic Surge Pricing for Stores

Pricing in Wendy’s stores is likely to change as soon as next year thanks to dynamic pricing. In a conference call early this month, the popular fast-food chain announced it was beginning to test dynamic surge pricing in stores across the country according to Nation’s Restaurant News. Additionally, Wendy’s CEO Kirk Tanner revealed that Wendy’s […]

Alabama’s embryo ruling sets a dangerous precedent (Op-Ed)

Alabama’s embryo ruling sets a dangerous precedent (Op-Ed)

In a highly controversial move, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos that are preserved for in vitro fertilization (IVF) are “akin to children”. The court voted 8-1 and cited religious reasoning in their concurring opinion.  While this decision stems from the fact that embryos are in fact human eggs fertilized by sperm, this […]

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