Day: March 14, 2024

Will Spotify be a worthy competitor to YouTube? (OP-ED)

Will Spotify be a worthy competitor to YouTube? (OP-ED)

YouTube has reigned supreme on the internet, mainly due to the platform’s wide range of content. That said, Spotify’s newest feature might be the thing to finally bring the online juggernaut some challenge. Spotify has always had some sort of video support on its platform, but a recent announcement has revealed that the streaming service […]

Flag football is a safe alternative to a sport rife with traumatic head injuries. (Op-Ed)

Flag football is a safe alternative to a sport rife with traumatic head injuries. (Op-Ed)

Tackle football poses an intrinsic threat to youth athletes. The National Institutes of Health released data that suggest that tackle football raises the risk for athletes of all ages to develop chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Repeated traumatic head injuries cause tangles of a protein called tau to build up in the brain; the more injurious […]

If Donald Trump wins in 2024, human and civil rights will be set decades back. (Op-Ed)

If Donald Trump wins in 2024, human and civil rights will be set decades back. (Op-Ed)

When Donald Trump took office in January 2017, his administration worked relentlessly to roll back decades of work to ensure human rights protections for many minority groups. If Donald Trump is reelected in 2024, we will see even more dismantling of human and civil rights policies; this is incredibly dangerous and will prevent many Americans […]

Elon Musk cancels X contract with Don Lemon after intense interview

Elon Musk cancels X contract with Don Lemon after intense interview

Don Lemon said Wednesday that his partnership with Elon Musk dramatically reached its end after a “tense” interview. The former CNN anchor sat down to talk to Musk in a 90-minute sit-down to discuss X, formerly known as Twitter, on his new independent web show. “Elon publicly encouraged me to join X with a new […]

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