Day: May 29, 2024

From the Honeymooners to the Odd Couple: the mid to late 1900s were the golden age of comedy (Op-Ed)

From the Honeymooners to the Odd Couple: the mid to late 1900s were the golden age of comedy (Op-Ed)

Sitcoms are not what they used to be. Looking back at oldies like The Honeymooners and The Odd Couple, it is not hard to see why they were so successful. Unlike many sitcoms today, these shows focused on one thing more than anything else: humor. There was none of the 21st-century fear of “saying the […]

Title: TikTok is making old and new songs go viral: but what makes them so popular? (Op-Ed)

Title: TikTok is making old and new songs go viral: but what makes them so popular? (Op-Ed)

Controversies surrounding the app and its safety aside, there’s no denying that TikTok has revitalized old songs and boosted the promotion of new ones. With all the genres it has to offer, TikTok functions as a musical timeline. There seems, however, to be a ‘pick and choose’ aspect to what goes viral and what doesn’t. […]

The Jury’s out! Deliberations in Trump’s hush money trial officially began today

The Jury’s out! Deliberations in Trump’s hush money trial officially began today

For people in politics, or any field that gains public awareness, embarrassing or controversial stories can be career-enders. Sometimes people go to extreme lengths to keep their secrets hidden. Is former President Donald Trump one of these people? As of 11:30 a.m. on May 29, that’s what 12 New Yorkers have begun to deliberate. Accused […]

Controversial MLB umpire Angel Hernandez to retire 

Controversial MLB umpire Angel Hernandez to retire 

Major League Baseball has announced  the departure of long-time umpire, Cuban-American Ángel Hernández. Hernández has had a three-decade-long career with MLB, and over those years, he has generated a controversial reputation among fans. According to USA TODAY, Hernández and MLB concluded discussions over a financial settlement over the weekend. The umpire started his professional career […]

Celebrities have an individual style, which is essential for their brand (Op-Ed)

Celebrities have an individual style, which is essential for their brand (Op-Ed)

A celebrity’s effect on their fan base, particularly young ones, is unsurpassed in the dynamic realms of pop culture and fashion. Celebrities become fashion idols as well as symbols of entertainment due to the devoted fan base that watches their every move and often attempts to dress like their favorite stars. Famous people’s distinct fashion […]

Democrats introduce bill to ban foreign payments to U.S. officials after Trump probe

Democrats introduce bill to ban foreign payments to U.S. officials after Trump probe

Democrats introduced new legislation on Tuesday that would make it illegal for U.S. officials to accept gifts, bribes, or payments from foreign countries unless it is approved by Congress beforehand. The long-running probe into the foreign financial affairs of former president Donald Trump has prompted this action. Representative Jamie Raskin and Senator Richard Blumenthal have […]

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