Tag: SexAndTheCity

Why Sex and the City remains a TV favorite (Op-Ed)

Why Sex and the City remains a TV favorite (Op-Ed)

With the resurgence of “Sex and the City” on television, thanks to its availability on platforms like Netflix, a new generation finds itself immersed in the adventures of four women navigating love, life, and the unique challenges of being young in the city. Despite the passage of years, the series continues to hold a place […]

New York is always perfect in sitcoms (Op-Ed)

New York is always perfect in sitcoms (Op-Ed)

Names like “New York City,” “The Big Apple,” and “The City Of Dreams” conjure up a wide range of mental and emotional associations. The iconic buildings and lively streets of New York City have been the setting for many tales, both true and imagined. But its charm is perhaps most on display in the world […]

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