Tag: Sports Industry

Will Cricket ever become a prominent sport in NYC? (OP-ED)

Will Cricket ever become a prominent sport in NYC? (OP-ED)

New York City is no stranger to sports, with baseball and basketball being among its most popular. That said, will there ever be a time when another sport makes the city its home? For some New Yorkers, cricket could be a contender. Originating across the pond in England, cricket is one of the many sports […]

Should sports betting be banned? (Op-Ed)

Should sports betting be banned? (Op-Ed)

Sports betting has an undeniable grip on the sports industry. ESPN reported that sports betting generated over $10.92 billion in 2023 alone. Currently, 38 states and Washington, D.C. have legalized sports betting, including Florida, which legalized it in November 2023. However, sports betting isn’t the only industry that has seen a boost. The entire American […]

Will recreational youth sports groups become non-existent? (OP-ED)

Will recreational youth sports groups become non-existent? (OP-ED) xr:d:DAFfXNb341c:2188,j:1246795554844720727,t:24040919

Attitudes on sports have undoubtedly changed over the years, especially in youth sports. Since its inception, sports have been shown to have a positive impact on children’s lives. Outside of the health benefits, multiple studies including a national study from California State University (CSU) found that youth sports helped lower the risk of children developing […]

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