Day: December 28, 2012

Spike Lee Passes on “Django”

Spike Lee Passes on “Django”

“Django Unchained” took over the box office during the Christmas holiday, raking in a staggering $15 million just on opening day! Critics and moviegoers applauded the film and its performances, some even calling it one of the best of the year. One person, however, was not so impressed, who is of course none other than […]

Dr. Andrew Maron

Dr. Andrew Maron

Dr. Andrew Maron is a well-respected pillar of his community with over 20 years of experience in the dental field. After graduating top of his class from New York University, Dr. Maron was accepted into and successfully completed the Hahnemann Hospital’s Oral Surgery MD program. While settling into the New York/New Jersey area, Dr. Maron […]

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