Day: February 18, 2022

4 Books in Translation That Will Transport You to Another World

4 Books in Translation That Will Transport You to Another World

Is there anything better than the feeling of immersing within the crazy adventures of complex characters in wild and remote locations?
We have compiled a shortlist of books set in faraway locations or different time eras that are in the translation process and will be released in 2022.

BILLY MARTIN Jr. Always thanked his dad for telling him about Jackie

BILLY MARTIN Jr. Always thanked his dad for telling him about Jackie

Today I woke up thinking about the great Yanks manager, Billy Martin. I had watched a documentary on the YES Network about Billy the night before and it made me quite emotional because it naturally took me back to a different time. It reminded me of moments when I didn’t want to exist and Billy would take me to his office, close the door and tell me to “wake up” because no matter how bad I think I have it, there is someone else who has it much worse.

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