Day: December 8, 2022

Blockbuster Movie Star, Renoly Santiago: Where is He Now?

Blockbuster Movie Star, Renoly Santiago: Where is He Now?

Renoly Santiago is an accomplished entertainer known for his impressive acting career. In the 90s, Renoly quickly became a cult classic fan favorite for his notable work in Blockbuster Hollywood films like Dangerous Minds, Hackers, Daylight, and Con Air, so what is he doing now? Well, between creating and acting, Renoly has a busy schedule. […]

What science says about the health benefits of “getting lost in a book”

What science says about the health benefits of “getting lost in a book”

Whether you’re a voracious reader who devours a new book every week or a slow reader who’s still reading that bestseller a friend recommended months ago, psychologists (and their research) say you’re making good use of your time. And if it’s been a while since your last outing with a good book, the professionals have a few arguments that just might persuade you to try it again.
According to Melanie Green, PhD, associate professor in the department of communication at the University at Buffalo, “one of the benefits of reading fiction is just that it provides enjoyment and pleasure.” It can offer relief from stress or boredom.

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