Day: April 16, 2024

Like Mel Allan and the Scooter… John Sterling was joyfully heard

Like Mel Allan and the Scooter… John Sterling was joyfully heard

I was watching the Michael Kay show on the YES Network. Michael talked about being on the phone with John Sterling and being told that John had done his last call as the radio voice of the Yankees. Michael had a very sad look on his face. This told me that we were witnessing the […]

More potential jurors dismissed in second day of Trump hush money trial

More potential jurors dismissed in second day of Trump hush money trial

As Monday’s court session was drawn to a close, not a single juror had been selected in Donald Trump’s hush money trial. Dozens of jurors were sent home due to the fact that they said that they could not be impartial within minutes of questioning. Composing a fair trial in Manhattan is proving to be […]

Abu Ghraib prisoners finally get their day in court after two decades of no accountability. (Op-Ed)

Abu Ghraib prisoners finally get their day in court after two decades of no accountability. (Op-Ed)

Twenty years have passed since the media first broke the news that the CIA was torturing prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison and other prisons in Iraq. Not only did they torture the detainees, but they took dehumanizing photos of them; U.S. soldiers stood smiling and laughing in front of torture victims. For survivors, the […]

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