At Home Workouts For People Who
Hate Working Out

If you are anything like me, you hate working out. I’ve tried running, weights, the stairmaster, cycling, and more. It’s just not…fun. And why would I want to do something that isn’t fun? Either way, I would suck it up and go to the gym, even though I hated it. The thing is, because I hated it, my motivation to workout and go to the gym was at a solid 0%.

Once Corona started, and gyms started to shut down, I was determined to still workout, but at home. In my journey to becoming more fit during quarantine, I found a bunch of youtube at home workouts that honestly made me excited to workout, and that’s coming from someone who used to hate it. Wondering what those videos were? Here is a list of a few of them, and I promise that they are 100% worth it.

MadFit’s Dance Party Workouts

Probably my favorite at home workout, MadFit’s Dance Party workouts are the absolute best things in this whole world. From One Direction, to 2000’s music, and even trending TikTok songs, she has a bunch of different dance party workouts each with a different theme. All you do is dance and follow her steps for about 15 minutes, and break an intense sweat. She finds a way to incorporate different workout movements into different dances, making you dance and workout at the same time. If you love music and dancing, this the workout for you.

Chloe Ting Ab Workouts

Although Chloe Ting has mixed reviews, I honestly love her ab workouts. I feel great after doing one, and I have seen great results after doing them consistently for a month. They are definitely challenging, but the videos are only about 10 minutes long, so it doesn’t feel that hard when you actually think about it!

Daisy Keech Bubble Butt Workout

If you have ever wanted to grow your butt, do a Daisy Keech butt workout, you will not regret it. Keech has amazing reviews when it comes to her glute workouts. They are definitely very hard and you will feel sore later, but they are worth it.

Sydney Cummings HIIT Workouts

Sydney Cummings’s workouts will make you sweat like you never have before. They are intense, and hard, but with an amazing instructor like Cummings, it makes time go by faster. These workouts are definitely longer then most listed, but because of that, Cummings makes sure to include multiple water breaks, and has encouraging words throughout.

Just Dance Video Game

Okay hear me out…this is one of the best workouts you can do. It’s literally just dancing. There are high energy dances you can pick from, and low energy ones which are perfect for cooling down. I used to do these all the time during quarantine, and I absolutely loved them. You don’t even need a gaming console to do it, you can just look just ‘Just Dance’ on youtube and a bunch of different dance videos will pop up.

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