Tag: Building

Permit Approved: One Step Closer to Building on What Should be Illegal Land in Puerto Rico

Permit Approved: One Step Closer to Building on What Should be Illegal Land in Puerto Rico

The people of Puerto Rico are continuously protesting over what is supposed to be public land. Developers, after developers from the U.S., are showing up, buying land that is supposed to be public, building in front of beaches that are not private yet, privatizing them in the process, buying apartments, and kicking people out. The Islanders have figured out that protesting is the only thing that stops these procedures.

Reports of Atrocities Surface as Russia Retreats

Reports of Atrocities Surface as Russia Retreats

There is nothing more haunting than seeing the image of civilian bodies piling up on the streets of Ukraine’s cities. Russians continue to attack the southern areas of Ukraine, but there are also opening up to peace talks. Officials and spectators are skeptical about ever reaching peace because they think that the meetings are made to delay a larger attack that is coming from the Russians.

Yellow and Blue Highlighted at the State of the Union

Yellow and Blue Highlighted at the State of the Union

Yellow and blue painted hope for the State of the Union to support Ukraine afar in their battle against Russian forces. For many years, the State of the Union address served as a platform for presidents to discuss about their future plans for the United States in regards to economics, politics, and other topics. Now, it has opened up its stage for colored outfits that share its support overseas. This was not the only year when congress people dressed according to political times.

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