Tag: Competitors

Will Spotify be a worthy competitor to YouTube? (OP-ED)

Will Spotify be a worthy competitor to YouTube? (OP-ED)

YouTube has reigned supreme on the internet, mainly due to the platform’s wide range of content. That said, Spotify’s newest feature might be the thing to finally bring the online juggernaut some challenge. Spotify has always had some sort of video support on its platform, but a recent announcement has revealed that the streaming service […]

Kung Fu Competition at the Shaolin Temple Moves Online This Year

Kung Fu Competition at the Shaolin Temple Moves Online This Year

The Shaolin Temple, known for the birthplace of Chan Buddhism and their mastery practices in Shaolin Kung Fu, held their kung fu competition online this year due to the constraints of the pandemic. In order to compete for their international competition, competitors must send photos and videos of their kung fu performance to the Shaolin Temple website so judges can observe their posture and technique.

Nina O’Brien Slowly Heals from Slalom Event

Nina O’Brien Slowly Heals from Slalom Event

After an eventful crash in the slalom event, Nina O’Brien fractured her leg. She returned to the U.S. for treatment after receiving immediate hospital care in China. The tibia was damaged, allowing fractures to occur on her leg. At first, O’Brien observed the hill and thought it was prepared perfectly. As she led near to the end of the race, O’Brien lost her balance and tumbled in the snow. Shocked, multiple skiers came running to O’Brien to get her on the stretcher.

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