Tag: Cult Classics

What makes a cult classic? (Op-Ed)

What makes a cult classic? (Op-Ed)

Some movies are a hit immediately upon release, with critics and viewers alike. Others aren’t, and it seems they might vanish into obscurity. However, that’s not always the case. If a movie is different or “so bad it’s good”, it can become what is known as a “cult classic”. While not loved by everyone, cult […]

“Rocky Horror:” There will never be another cult classic that inspires live performance and audience participation. (Op-Ed)

“Rocky Horror:” There will never be another cult classic that inspires live performance and audience participation. (Op-Ed)

Are you a Virgin? No, I’m not asking if you’ve ever engaged in sexual activity, I’m asking if you’ve ever been to a performance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Newcomers who have never been to a live showing are affectionately referred to as Virgins, and they are baptized into the cult following surrounding the […]

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