Tag: Decades

Op-Ed: The Subjective Nature of Beauty Over the Years

Op-Ed: The Subjective Nature of Beauty Over the Years

Growing up in a Pentecostal household, there were a lot of beauty trends that passed me by that I wasn’t a part of. For those who don’t know what Pentecostal is, it is a Christian, Protestant-based religion. It also, depending on the church, follows some strict rules when it comes to a women’s appearance. Whatever each church’s case may be, I did not partake in makeup, dyeing my hair- and cutting anything except the ends of it- plucking my eyebrows, wearing certain jewelry, etc. This was of my own doing; of course, I wasn’t forced, but it was something that was introduced to me pretty early on. Therefore, I underestimated the effects of not partaking in the, at the time unknowingly, yet still fleeting beauty trends of my high school.

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