Tag: Journaling

A Quick Guide to Journaling and Why You Should Do It

A Quick Guide to Journaling and Why You Should Do It

Did you know that the human brain is most impressionable within the first 20 minutes of waking up in the morning? According to research on neurological frequencies within the human brain, there are five major brain wave frequencies that correspond with people’s levels of consciousness. When people sleep, their unconscious minds submerge into a lower frequency of brain activity known as theta waves. Theta waves enable people to feel well-rested, creative, and more connected to their emotions and intuition (often referred to as their subconscious), when well-regulated. So, as a person wakes up in the morning, their brain wave frequencies begin to adjust to their new state of consciousness, making the brain particularly impressionable. However, more often than not, people launch into their days or check their phones first thing, activities that could have negative impacts on the brain’s subconscious while in this phase of transition from sleep to wakefulness. The solution to this problem, however, is easier than one might expect. Journaling presents the perfect activity for people to start their days off right, as it promotes mindfulness, allows people to set clear goals and action statements for their day, and can even serve as a creative outlet for sorting through emotions.

Five Ways to Mentally Refresh after a Stressful Day

Five Ways to Mentally Refresh after a Stressful Day

Stress is a common problem in our world today. Stress can affect multiple areas of the body, including both mental, emotional, and physical health. Having techniques to cope with the daily stressors of life is important, even if you’re not experiencing extreme stress levels. According to The American Institute of Stress, about 33 percent of people report feeling extreme stress and 77 percent of people have stress that impacts their mental health. Here are some basic techniques that you can add to your daily routine to mentally refresh after a stressful day at work or school.

Kickstarting Your Journaling Journey

Kickstarting Your Journaling Journey

The benefit of journaling far exceeds the cons of having to sit down and commit to this important mental health practice. From gaining more self-confidence to strengthening your memories, journaling can be extremely therapeutic. If you feel like you do not know where to start, you are not alone. While consistently journaling can seem daunting at first, there are several methods to make it seem a little less scary.

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