Tag: Missle

Kim Jong Un Calls for “Exponential” Growth of Nuclear Arsenal

Kim Jong Un Calls for “Exponential” Growth of Nuclear Arsenal

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has called for “exponential” growth in the country’s nuclear weapons arsenal, Pyongyang’s state media reported Friday. The decision, the result of a recent ruling party meeting, responds to threats from the US and South Korea. “They are now keen on isolating and stifling (North Korea), unprecedented in human history,” Kim said at the meeting on New Year’s Eve, per the Associated Press. “The prevailing situation calls for making redoubled efforts to overwhelmingly beef up the military muscle.”

Defense Missile Lands in Poland: NATO Blames Russia

Defense Missile Lands in Poland: NATO Blames Russia

Tuesday evening remains of a defense missile fired by Ukraine landed in Polish territory. The defense missile killed two Polish people when it landed in their village Przewodow. Poland’s ambassador to the United Nations spoke to the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday and blamed Russia for the deaths.

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