Tag: Ranked Choice

Electoral College V. Ranked Choice: Which is Better?

Electoral College V. Ranked Choice: Which is Better?

This year’s Midterm elections modeled for us a shift in the way we conduct Democracy, as another state opted for a ranked-choice voting system over a plurality (where the candidate with the most votes wins) or majority (where the candidate with an outright majority of votes wins) voting system. The state of Alaska used the ranked-choice voting system to elect their politicians this year. After election results rolled out however, there were many criticisms being made of the new voting system, with the main one being that it was to blame for Republican candidate Sarah Palin’s loss to Democrat, Mary Peltola. With more states making the switch to ranked choice and joining the likes of Maine (a state that has been using ranked-choice since 2018), now is the perfect time to address people’s concerns about ranked-choice, and decide whether this new voting system is harming or helping voters, and the preservation of Democracy.

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