Tag: Democracy

Presidential immunity is not in the best interest of democracy. (Op-Ed)

Presidential immunity is not in the best interest of democracy. (Op-Ed)

Presidential immunity is not in the best interest of democracy. For Donald Trump, it has evolved into an excuse for crime without punishment. Simply, presidential immunity creates a dangerous imbalance, removing accountability and breeding a culture of lies and deception. This is the shield that Donald Trump is using to avoid being held accountable for […]

President Biden Warns Voters About a Potential Threat to Democracy

President Biden Warns Voters About a Potential Threat to Democracy

Last Night during a prime-time speech, we heard from President Biden, who delivered a very important message about Democracy, the threats it faces, and the power that each American hold to preserve it. He delivered this speech from Independence Hall in Philidelphia; the very same place that the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution were written. He used the venue to set the tone for his speech about the principles that are under threat: equality and democracy. The very same principles that those historic documents emphasize.

Twitter Accepts Elon Musk’s 44 Billion Dollar Offer

Twitter Accepts Elon Musk’s 44 Billion Dollar Offer

Last Monday, Twitter accepted Elon Musk’s offer to take over the company in a $44 billion deal. This means that the world’s richest man now owns the world’s most influential social network, where Musk himself is among the most influential users.

Yellow and Blue Highlighted at the State of the Union

Yellow and Blue Highlighted at the State of the Union

Yellow and blue painted hope for the State of the Union to support Ukraine afar in their battle against Russian forces. For many years, the State of the Union address served as a platform for presidents to discuss about their future plans for the United States in regards to economics, politics, and other topics. Now, it has opened up its stage for colored outfits that share its support overseas. This was not the only year when congress people dressed according to political times.

Jazz Embarks the Lifeline of New York

Jazz Embarks the Lifeline of New York

From “Fly Me to the Moon” to “Take Five,” New York City has been a unique hub for jazz artists, jazz lovers, and anyone who wants to dance to its notes since 1912. Jazz is a complex form of music that uses improvisation and syncopation. The movement of jazz began in New Orleans where African American artists incorporated their culture into American music.

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