Tag: Mask Mandate

Four of the Largest Airlines Dropped Mask Mandate

Four of the Largest Airlines Dropped Mask Mandate

As of Monday, April 18, most American major airlines have lifted their mask mandates for all travelers. The airlines no longer require travelers or employees to wear face masks on domestic and international flights. The settlement to lift the mask mandate came after a federal U.S. judge overturned a federal mandate for travelers to wear masks.

Mask Mandates on Trains and Planes Extended 15 days, According to CDC

Mask Mandates on Trains and Planes Extended 15 days, According to CDC

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Biden administration has extended the mask mandate for travelers on trains, airplanes, and other transit systems. This statement was announced Wednesday, April 13th. The current requirement for all travelers is that all passengers must wear face coverings that were set to expire following Monday; however, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) will extend the requirement for an additional 15 days through May 3, according to the CDC.

The Battle Between GOP Governors and School Districts Over Mask Mandates in Hot Spot States

The Battle Between GOP Governors and School Districts Over Mask Mandates in Hot Spot States

As students are going back to class while the pandemic is still raging on, students in Florida, Texas and Arizona are now required to wear masks in class as school boards in Democratic areas went against their Republican governors and made face coverings mandatory.

Nancy Pelosi called Kevin McCarthy a “moron”

Nancy Pelosi called Kevin McCarthy a “moron”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy a “moron” after he openly criticized the Capitol’s mask mandate in the White House.

In one of his tweets, McCarthy wrote, “The threat of bringing masks back is not a decision based on science, but a decision conjured up by liberal government officials who want to continue to live in a perpetual pandemic state.”

New York Parents Want to Reverse School Mask Mandate

New York Parents Want to Reverse School Mask Mandate

Parents in the Long Island area are calling for Governor Andrew Cuomo to revoke New York’s state requirement that all children must be masked in school. They are hoping that their kids can experience a mask-free school day before the year ends. These parents are claiming that it is unreasonable for children to continue to wear masks, as they are sweltering in the summer heat.

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