Tag: Moderate

Liz Cheney’s Bleak Future as a Republican “Moderate”

Liz Cheney’s Bleak Future as a Republican “Moderate”

GOP leader-hopeful Rep. Liz Cheney has ambitious plans for the future that may include toeing party lines and campaigning for Democrats. But the anti-Trump Replubican’s attempt at self-branding into a moderate may fall flat in the face of trying please both parties while still holding onto conservative values.

Andrew Yang Leading New Centrist Political Party Forming Called ‘Forward Party’

Andrew Yang Leading New Centrist Political Party Forming Called ‘Forward Party’

In a country that barely functions on a two-party system, former Democratic nominee Andrew Yang has announced the creation of a new, moderate political party, conveniently named the “Forward Party.” Some of the current political third parties that appear on federal and state ballots include the Green Party and Libertarian Party, with each group amassing a large enough group of supporters to put their candidates up for consideration in elections, but not enough support to make any sort of significant difference or seriously overtake those running under the Democratic or Republican parties. Therefore, Americans are naturally skeptical of this new “Forward” party that seems unlikely to succeed in our extremely polarized political climate, as much as Yang and his supporters are attempting to close the large gap between the two parties and create a more middle-ground ideology that perhaps more people could relate with.

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