Tag: Schools

Los Angeles Schools Shut Down as Thousands of Workers Launch 3-Day Strike

Los Angeles Schools Shut Down as Thousands of Workers Launch 3-Day Strike

The workers joined picket lines in the rain at a bus yard with signs reading, “RESPECT US!” demanding better wages and increased staffing. Other demonstrations are expected at schools across the city by members of Local 99 of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which represents about 30,000 teacher’s aides, special education assistants, bus drivers, custodians, cafeteria workers, and other support staff.

Ohio Teachers Go On Strike Days Before School Begins

Ohio Teachers Go On Strike Days Before School Begins

This morning in Columbus, Ohio, a mere two days before the beginning of the school year, thousands of teachers have gone on strike, which could possibly lead to virtual learning for students as September approaches. While the nationwide teacher shortage persists, with educators quitting due to low salaries and burnout following the pandemic, this Ohio protest concerns the rights of the students more than the teachers.

Despite COVID-19 Cases Going Up, White House Covid-19 Response Coordinator is not Concerned

Despite COVID-19 Cases Going Up, White House Covid-19 Response Coordinator is not Concerned

The kids have gotten out of spring break. As more people are meeting up and public spaces are opening without the mask mandate, COVID-19 becomes an uninvited guest. The White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, Dr. Ashish K. Jha, doesn’t think we should be too concerned about these increasing numbers.

Former United States Secretary of Education Dies at Age 95

Former United States Secretary of Education Dies at Age 95

A sixth-generation Mexican American and the former United States Secretary of Education, Lauro Cavazos died on Tuesday in Concord, Massachusetts. He was the first Hispanic person ever to serve in the United States Cabinet. In the 1980s, Cavazos saw schools suffering from budget cuts, low academic performances, and increased high school dropouts.

Schools are Transforming Into Hotbeds for Political Debates

Schools are Transforming Into Hotbeds for Political Debates

Throughout his presidency, former President Trump transformed America. He revealed qualities about the country that people previously denied and strengthened the intersection between politics, culture, and personal life that has never been as evident as it is now.

Shakespeare in School: Boring or Brilliant?

Shakespeare in School: Boring or Brilliant?

Over the course of my four years in high school English classes, I had to read many Shakespeare plays. While I knew that Shakespeare was a renowned playwright and poet, I never enjoyed reading his plays in school — I found them confusing and largely irrelevant to modern life. However, in college, after taking a class devoted to reading eight of his plays over the course of nine weeks, I completely changed my mind.

In-person Opening of New York City Schools Delayed

In-person Opening of New York City Schools Delayed

On Thursday, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio delayed the in-person opening of public schools.  As concerns over the Covid-19 pandemic continue, students were told that their in-person start would be delayed over a week. 

They hope to take a slightly staggered approach by first opening in-person learning to those in K-5 and K-8.  These schools are only delayed until September 29th, while middle schools and high schools will open October 1st at the earliest. 

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