Tag: Thank You Letter

Brittney Griner Pens Thank You Letter, Urges Supporters to Write to Paul Whelan

Brittney Griner Pens Thank You Letter, Urges Supporters to Write to Paul Whelan

Brittney Griner is finally home. On Wednesday, she posted an open letter thanking fans for their support and urging them to write to Paul Whelan, an American detained in Russia. “Your letters were also bigger than uplifting me,” Griner said in a handwritten letter, which she posted to Instagram. “They showed me the power of collective hands.” “Thanks to the efforts of so many, including you, I am home after nearly 10 months,” she wrote. Griner said that words of hope from fans has kept her spirits up, helping “me not to lose hope at a time where I was full of regret and vulnerable in ways I could have never imagined.”

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