
Im influencing the youth, burying lies by revealing truth, I was at war with myself, I called a truce, I’m turning Toby’s back to kuntas, I’m replanting roots.
I’m a 5 star analyst, giving sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, knowledge to the dumb, and faith to the atheist when they get to know me on a first name basis.
infinite, an urban poetic analysis, when it comes to ghetto problems , drugs and guns, violence, street life pestilence, i recite solutions, not thesis, it’s first hand experienced prognosis.
I medicate. mental swine eradicate, through the spoken verses I dictate. I bleed poverty, oops my bad I mean that same word without the v and the r moved after the t, if I don’t release my cranium will start hemorrhaging,
I transform visions into manifestations, I lyrically let you see them. In the street game I’m a retired player but still a pinch pallbearer, I shoulder carry the team in caskets better, I write preludes of death with organized letters.
Right now I’m in my avatar state, super nova, fire exuding from my lemniscate, it’s an inferno, the flame’s internal. I implode, vibrations bounce off my voice box, move my jaw then out my mouth… words explode. I’m in a state of urgency, every state is going to be in a state of emergency when they get a load of me and feel the intense heat from the arson spitting artist from the Bronx projects.
Infinite the poet 2012
Albert Carrasco
www.lulu.com infinite poetry

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